Handy hints for playing paintball this Winter with Delta Force

It’s that freezing time of year again where the UK is hit with what some countries would refer to as a ‘light dusting’ of snow, subsequently leading to unbearable traffic, delayed train journeys, broken boilers and the temporary closure of thousands of schools across the country, much to the joy of their pupils! Parents begrudgingly take time off work to take care of their children, some businesses remain open and others don’t so it’s understandable that the Delta Force Paintball head office have received a lot of calls from customers asking if the centres are open and if the paintball games are still going ahead.

Paintball player takes cover behind snow-covered barrels

  • Wrap up: It may get cold out there in the game zones so we strongly recommend layering up in some warm, weather-proof clothing. Most customers bring a large warm jacket, a warm hat, gloves and wrap their feet in a couple of pairs of warm socks and some thick shoes. We recommend suitable outdoor shoes or boots with rubber soles and deep tread.
  • Set for comfort: While the soldiers are out in the heat of battle, you have the opportunity to catch up on some R&R back in the basecamp. Lots of spectators bring a blanket to stay warm and a pillow to sit on. Why not enjoy the day in total comfort and style?
  • Fancy a bite:  you can visit our on-site shop and treat yourself to some drinks, crisps, chocolates or sweets.
  • A tale or two: If you’re not personally participating in the event then why not bring a good book, newspaper or magazine along for the day? Let the day slip away in the pages of a great read or take in the latest news and gossip while your group battle it out.
  • Getting home: As we all know, during the winter months life tends to get colder and wetter. As such, most players bring a change of clothes and a plastic bag for the trip home. And if you own a thermos flask, it might be a good idea to fill it up with something hot to enjoy throughout the day. It’s always better to be over prepared than under prepared.

Howitzer gun buried in snow

Hopefully these tips will help your paintball event go ahead as smoothly and comfortably as possible and please feel free to forward this list on to the other members of your group, a document can be downloaded from our downloads section here. At Delta Force Paintball we strive to provide the ultimate paintball event for each and every one of our guests so if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to call us on 0844 477 5115* where one of our friendly booking staff will be more than happy to help.